Daycare, private teaching and group courses, swimming for dogs, physiotherapy, dog grooming and a lot more...
First indoor dogpark at Budapest
For more information click on the icons!
Dog daycare
Whether it's half an hour or a whole day, we have a solution for everything.
Dog school
We help you to solve all type of problems with our trainers!
Half an hour of swimming worths 2 hours of intense walking
Nightcare for dogs
In a cozy environment, with professional background and door-to-door delivery.
Therapy includes various types of special massages, movements and laser treatments.
Dog grooming
Dog cosmetics are not just for show dogs.
Ultrasonic dental plaque removal
Plaque removal without anesthesia.
Dog massage
Massage is beneficial not only for humans but also for dogs.
Dog walking
The help goes to your house in Újlipótváros
Event venue
Providing a venue for dog events.